( one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve random )

I have been meditating on the parables of Our Lord.

and since publishing the Prodigal Project, i've found a taste for animating my meditations. Here are some:

click here for
Station Number Three,
Peter denies Christ,
or "Small Decisions"
(doesn't work? try this)
click here for the
Choose-Your-Own Redemption Parable,
"What might have happened to the prodigal son"
click here for the
New Revised Parable,
"The parable of the Talented Bankers"
If you are interested in the
St Paul's Labyrinth project,
you probably won't like
the alt.worship donut project

to complain, (remove 'src="images/shim.gif"' from the address)

enjoy andrew's crazy parables in the comfort of your own home!
A couple of people have asked, so now you can
download this ZIP file (607k),
which contains all the flash and shockwave animations, as well as the html to make them work.

return to The Prodigal Project
my experiments in procedural art
a more true story
or Andrew's Home Page