About the contributors:

The richness and depth of the Prodigal Project is largely thanks to donations of art and music by many people from our real and virtual communities. Some of them are:

SJD who provided much of the soundtrack

DeepChild (Rick) who provided the rest of it, and some good art

Alister Kitchen who gave us cartoons

Arthur Amon who made funky digital video and recorded poetry

Simon Chaplain who wrote words

Dave Tomlinson from Holy Joes who wrote words

Simon Brown from Glenbrook who wrote words

Jenny & Alan from Spirited Exchanges who wrote words

Steve from Graceway who wrote words

Rosemary Neave from Spirited Conversations who wrote words

A bunch of people from Cityside and Soul Outpost who let us use photos of their art

Michelle Vantoo who wrote words

Andy Thornton who wrote words

Triona Miller who wrote words

Jonny Baker & Mike Rose & Steve Collins from Grace who wrote words and music

Nathan O'Brien, from No13.net who re-rendered his thesis for your virtual exploration

Hilary Stewart from Cafe Church who wrote lots of poems

Huw Luscombe, who wrote lots of poems

Sue Wallace & Richard Horton from Visions for lots of images and words and thoughts

Brian Draper from 3RD Way magazine who wrote words

Rod Begbie from Plunge who wrote words

Paul Roberts from the Third Sunday Service who wrote words

Neil Elliot from The Meeting Tent who wrote words

Jackie & Simon Buckingham Shum who wrote words

Sue & Malcolm from Visions who wrote words and made images

someone from Pathways Church who wrote words

a few people from The Vaux who wrote words and images and video and talked back

and Bruce and Jenny of the Embody Site who inspired