About the CD:
The book comes with a CD-ROM.
The CD contains the full text of the book, plus many more stories from people all over the world, and a selection of poems and liturgy resources. The text is illuminated with all manner of lush multimedia - graphics, animations, soundtracks, photos, and videos. Art to soak up, ideas to stimulate, interactive stuff to keep you on your toes.
The CD will run on any PowerMac (including the iMac and anything starting with a G), Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000...
You can now look at a demo (the first two sections from chapter four), which will run as a shockwave animation.
WARNING: it's 2.3 megabytes. That's only 1% of the size of the whole project, but it is still a big download if your connection is not fast. Consider saving it to your hard drive first (right-click here and choose 'save document'), so you can watch it at your leisure.